Recovering from a Stroke – HBOT helps!

Recovering from a Stroke – HBOT helps!

After suffering a stroke, about three-fourths of patients exhibit some disability. The extent of a patient’s symptoms depends on the degree and location of brain tissue damage following the stroke. Common physical conditions after a stroke include: Weakness,...
Inflammation: The Root of All Disease?

Inflammation: The Root of All Disease?

Anyone who has sprained an ankle understands inflammation. There are the four classical symptoms – heat, redness, pain and swelling.  However, inflammation can be present even without pain or obvious signs. Hay fever, heart disease, depression, and diabetes...
HBOT for Radiation Injuries after Cancer Treatment

HBOT for Radiation Injuries after Cancer Treatment

Radiation’s good news/bad news for cancer patients. The good news:  High doses of radiation therapy destroy cancer cells. The bad news: Radiation therapy can also damage healthy cells and tissues near the treatment area, including the tiny blood vessels that feed the...

Who Can You Trust?

In 2014, new clinical guidelines were released by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) replacing the 1999 practice parameters for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Perhaps they are finally listening to the parents of autistic children? Parents...